Gift Register
Name of person making disclosure Description of gift Name and address of person who made gift Date gift was received Estimated value of gift at time it was made Nature of relationship between person who made gift and person who received gift For a gift that is a travel contribution - description and date of travel For an excluded gift under s.5.62(1B)(a): the date of the approval refereed to in s.5.62(1B)(a)(ii) and the reasons for the approval
Paul Anderson Gift Basket (Cheese board, chocolates, wine) Evoke Living Homes
61 Old York Road, Northam WA 6401
31/01/2024 $75.00 Supplier / Contractor
Maarten Noordhof Merchandise Hino Trucks Sales Representative
24-26 Kewdale Road, Welshpool WA 6106
28/11/2023 $70.00 Supplier / Contractor
Paul Anderson Meal and drinks Ree Dai (Managing Director) Terra Mining
7 Rheola St, West Perth, WA 6005
19/09/2023 $200.00 Client / customer
Cr Les Hepworth Meal and drinks Ree Dai (Managing Director) Terra Mining
7 Rheola St, West Perth, WA 6005
19/09/2023 $200.00 Client / customer
Cr Dael Sparkman Meal and drinks Ree Dai (Managing Director) Terra Mining
7 Rheola St, West Perth, WA 6005
19/09/2023 $200.00 Client / customer
Cr Daniel Bradford Meal and drinks Ree Dai (Managing Director) Terra Mining
7 Rheola St, West Perth, WA 6005
19/09/2023 $100.00 Client / customer
Cr Jude Sutherland Meal and drinks Ree Dai (Managing Director) Terra Mining
7 Rheola St, West Perth, WA 6005
19/09/2023 $100.00 Client / customer
Maarten Noordhof Merchandise Andrew Cox - McIntosh & Son
160 Flores Road, Geraldton, WA 6530
23/08/2023 $150.00 Supplier / contractor
Terina Campbell 1 x potted plant & 2 x packets of seeds Francesca & Bill
Unknown (Tourists)
13/09/2020 $20.00 Tourism (Tourists that visited Latham)

Under s5.89A of the Local Government Act 1995, a local government is required to keep a register of gifts and publish any disclosures on its website. In accordance with Regulation 28A of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, this version of the register does not disclose information about individuals’ addresses other than the applicable town or suburb included in the disclosure.